Han-Jun Kim (김한준), Ph.D.
(Principal Investigator)
Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Room 504, Research Facility for the College of Pharmacy
(약학대학연구실험동 504호)
2511 Sejong-ro, Sejong, 30019, Republic of Korea
Affiliate Faculty
고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 헬스케어ICT융합전공 겸임교수(2024.04 ~ Present)
고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 첨단융합신약학과 겸임교수 (2025.01 ~ Present)
고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 혁신신약융합전공 겸임교수 (2025.03 ~ Present)
Terasaki Institute of Biomedical Innovation (TIBI) [Los Angeles, CA 90064, USA] (2023.01 ~ Present)
Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Molecular Theranostics(CBCMT), Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) [Vellore, TN 632014, India] (2023.01 ~ Present)
2012 – 2018: Integrated M.S./Ph.D. in Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University, South Korea
Advisor: Prof. Sun Hee Do
2006 – 2012: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.), College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University, South Korea
Position and Employment
03/2023 – Present: Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy, Korea University, Sejong, South Korea [Link]
05/2020 – 01/2023: Assistant Professor, Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI), Los Angeles, United States [Link]
08/2018 – 05/2020: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), United States [Link]
Advisor: Prof. Ali Khademhosseini
03/2018 – 07/2018: Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University, South Korea [Link]
Advisor: Prof. Sun Hee Do
Awards and Honors
2024 나이벡 미래과학자상 수상 (한-중) [한국생체재료학회 (The Korean Society for Biomaterials)] [Link]
2024 2023 2학기 고려대학교 석탑강의상(수강소감평가 상위 5% 강좌), 우수강좌상(수상소감평가 상위 20% 강좌) 수상
2023 2023 고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 석탑연구상 수상
2023 2023 1학기 고려대학교 석탑강의상 수상(수강소감평가 상위 5% 강좌)
2018 Young Scientist of the 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Council [린다우노벨상수상자회의 위원회] [Link]
2017 Representative of Korea of 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (린다우노벨수상자회의 한국대표) [한국과학기술한림원] [Link]
2017 Young Scientist Award, Inter-Academy Seoul Science Forum [한국과학기술한림원]
2017 Excellent Presentation Award, The Korean Society for Biomaterials [한국생체재료학회]
2016 Excellent Presentation Award, The Korean Society of Veterinary Pathology [한국수의병리학회]
Society & Activity
01/2025 – Present: 한국동물실험대체법학회 기획위원회 부위원장
07/2024 – Present: 고려대학교 기관생명윤리위원회(IRB) 위원, Korea University, South Korea
04/2024 – Present: 한국생체재료학회 신진위원회 위원
01/2024 – Present: 한국조직공학•재생의학회 신진연구자위원회 임원 [Link]
02/2021 – Present: Editorial Board Member for Artificial Organs [ISSN: 0160-564X] [Link]
Current Members
Ulziituya Batjargal M.S.
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Ph.D. Course (2024.03~Present)
Starting from 2023.09
Changwon National University, Bioscience and Biotechnology (MSc)
Mongolian University of Science and Technology (BSc)
E-mail: tuya at
Minseok Kim
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
M.S./Ph.D. Integrated Course (2024.03~Present)
Starting from 2024.03
Yeungnam University, Department of Medical Biotechnology (BSc)
E-mail: kevin1907 at
Soojin Park
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
M.S./Ph.D. Integrated Course (2024.09~Present)
Starting from 2023.08
Korea University, Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (BSc)
E-mail: soojin2298 at
Wonjun Jang
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
M.S. Course (2024.03~Present)
Starting from 2023.12
Ulsan University, Department of Bioscience (BSc)
E-mail: wjjang6507 at
Minjin Kwak
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
M.S./Ph.D. Integrated Course (2025.03~Present)
Starting from 2023.09
Korea University, Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (BSc)
E-mail: minyoung0707 at
Lee Min Young
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
M.S./Ph.D. Integrated Course (2025.03~Present)
Starting from 2024.05
Korea University, Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (BSc)
E-mail: minyoung0707 at
Yurim Ji
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Undergraduate Intern
Starting from 2024.01
E-mail: mien1214 at
Seung hu Noh
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Undergraduate Intern
Starting from 2025.01
E-mail: hu9126 at
Lauren Hayoung Lee
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Undergraduate Intern
Starting from 2025.01
E-mail: lauren217 at
Sa Kang Hong
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Undergraduate Intern
Starting from 2025.01
E-mail: skhongs6 at
Hyun Young Kim
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Undergraduate Intern
Starting from 2025.01
E-mail: gusdud0207 at
Sungsoo Han
Undergraduate Intern
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Yeonggyeong Yeon
Undergraduate Intern
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Yunjin Choi
Undergraduate Intern
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Hyorin Nam
Undergraduate Intern
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Jia Choi
Undergraduate Intern
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Seo Hyun Jang
Undergraduate Intern
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Lee Jiwon
Undergraduate Intern
College of Pharmacy, Korea University
Linna Teng
Undergraduate Intern
College of Pharmacy, Korea University